Friday, August 26, 2011

Late Night Delirium & Dirty Carpenters Lyrics.

Stayed up late doing financial reports and really, really tired. This week was kind of funky. It started with the unusual event at the Padres game, my "look the other way while you save the wild cats who live on your property" covert operation was exposed, and some other fun stuff. So I am gonna let stream of consciousness tweets from last night take over from here.

All nighter to finish reports due tomorrow. Reminds me of college - only not as fun, Need pot of coffee. End this fu#$ week already! : (

Cawfeeee tawk. Like buttah' Okay, numbers are floating off the page at me and I'm delirious. Hey that's a Prince song. #randomnightthoughts

Really! We spent $35 on a highliter set? WTH? R you using for makeup cuz basic pink or yellow work for most. I am just laughing. 64pack?

Hated the kid who had the 64 pack of crayons. I've got your burnt umber right here, kid. Along with your Snoopy lunchbox and your big chief

Ok, I am going outside 4 air Sleepy,intolerant & full of it. Evidently chatty as well. Why don't dogs talk? Why do birds suddenly appear?

Name every Carpenters Song you can in 40 seconds

"I'm on TOP of some guy looking down on creation & the only explanation I can find. Are the crabs I have found ever since You've been around

Late night delirium. Suck week. Padres game angst, operation save the cats exposed, missed opportunities. Only thing to do: massage & dancing! There! All better!

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