Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Salty Sisters

Running along the shores of a place I often walked with my mom.  She loved it here.  The last time we were here, she walked one of the gentle trails while others in my family tackled the more difficult trails.  She ooohed and ahhhhed at the beauty that is my beloved Torrey Pines.  I always get a lump in my throat when I run past the entrance to that trail now.

But last Tuesday she was with me.  I felt her.  I was running along, trying to keep my usual single minded focus on competing with myself and running to full exhaustion, but it wasn't working.  I kept thinking that the kelp on the beach looked like mermaid tails.  It was really bugging me, this thought.  And just like that, I stopped mid run, grabbed some of the kelp, a bird feather to draw with , various other items from the sea and began to create.   This was something my mom would have done.  I am not creative, so this was a little out of my comfort zone for sure.

And she came - My salty sister!  She is a very, very primitive drawing of a mermaid, but I like her!  I began to fashion other sirens of the sea and spent 2 hours plopped down in complete solitude with my new little friends from the sand.

I love this one!

I love all the fun filters you can use!

I thought it ended there, but oh, no, no, no!  The Salty Sisters were NOT done with me yet!  They again rose from their home in the sea even BEFORE I began my run yesterday.  Walking along the salty marsh that is part of this beautiful place, I found little seed pods that looked like perfect wine glasses for tiny mermaids to celebrate.  And oh, beautiful yellow sage brush flowers for their hair.

And just like that, I started running!  But this time I was
running to the call from my Salty Sisters!  They wanted 
their story to be told!  "Ahhh," I said to myself.  "This is
REALLY about a story. " 

So I sat again in perfect solitude and allowed the sisters
to form.  And they told me their story.  They have a 
GREAT one!  Torrey, Martes and Sol haven't revealed 
all their secrets to me yet.  They insist on a few more visits in the next coming weeks.  

I waited for the sun to set- something that I rarely do here. ( I KNOW.... can you believe it?)   And I walked in the water, looked down and found the tiniest shell formed into a perfect round sphere; almost like a pearl and a beautiful bauble any self respecting mermaid would treasure.  I wonder which mermaid will demand to adorn herself with the little treasure I found.  I truly think Martes will most likely be the diva of the bunch, but we'll see. I can't WAIT to hear their complete story.  Thanks, Mama, for introducing me to your friends from the sea.  I have no doubt you were my little muse. 

A Toast to The Moon

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